Change log – 3DMA

3DMA 2023.0 (May/16/2023)


  • New interface look, logos and colors
  • Show Biofeedback Rules in Plots
  • New app language, now also Traditional Chinese
  • Added Support for IDS cameras for video recording
  • Added knee numerical value at 0º, 90º, 180º and 270º
  • Added NOKOV camera compatibility for motion capture
  • New synchronization method between color camera and motion capture
  • Added display of the number of markers needed/detected per model
  • Added 3 point wand calibration.
  • Added cycles on any capture from manually entered events
  • Added integration with EMG Cometa


  • Improved Azure upload error messages
  • Improved synchronization with external devices
  • Improved Ghost Rider fit from the hip
  • Improved Calibration Wizard
  • Cleaned icons
  • Enable vertical axis selection on c3d exports
  • Improved home position detection in high-speed running shots
  • Improved Velometrik display in isobars and pressure centroids
  • Improved visualization of EMG or Third-Party devices in the Cycle Dialog
  • Enable shoe information in run analysis
  • Improved import/export from the DB, remembering the path of the last performance
  • Improved discipline selection in bike measurements
  • Improved performance
  • Improved software stability for long capture sessions
  • Improved minor usability and stability improvements


  • Fixed problem in the export of the new graphics component
  • Fixed the calculation problem of the Mid Swing event
  • Fixed event detection
  • Flixed glitched behavior in plots component
  • Fixed error in reports complementation
  • Fixed redistributables being included in installers and updaters
  • Fixed automatic configuration for Motive cameras
  • Fixed disable status for the “stop” button in the capture progress dialog when it is clicked
  • Fixed error with Kistler platforms integration
  • Fixed the dynamic size for the playback ratio component
  • Fixed Flir camera looks dark
  • Fixed the last calibration date within the 3MC file
  • Fixed more than 100 other bugs

3DMA 2022.1 (Jul/20/2022)

New features

  • Added support for Velometrik saddle pressure “Smart Cover”.
  • New look and feel.
  • Added new plots control.
  • Added ANT+ integration for heart beat monitor devices.
  • Added automatic filtering of captures by protocol for multi-report generation.
  • Added comparative for cycling, running and CMJ protocols.
  • Added possibility to export clients/patients from the database to CSV format.
  • Added fields for marker diameter and velcro thickness for the cycling protocols.
  • Added upgrade and store buttons in help section.
  • Added academy button for elearning in help section.
  • Added support button in help section.


  • Improved information provided when cameras cannot be initialized.
  • Improved 3D touchscreen operation.
  • Improved EMG information in reports.
  • Added notice of missing events if required by the report .
  • Improved constraints in lateral bike fitting.
  • Improved constraints in SEBT protocol for the capture beginning.
  • Added full calibration from the calibration test window.
  • Improved presentation of camera views in a single window.
  • Added the angle of the foot to the ground for the Helen Hayes model.
  • Improved brightness for BRIO and Flir cameras.
  • Improved rules system.
  • Unified open user and open capture functionality in one button.
  • Improved documentation.
  • Improved report templates.
  • Minor usability and stability improvements.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed minor user interface problems and localization issues.
  • Fixed report selection for protocols with more than one report.
  • Fixed missing numeric information for full body 25P.
  • Fixed media escalation elements issue in sequence manager.
  • Fixed double click to stop a playback capture.
  • Fixed the anthropometry edition for SEBT protocol.
  • Fixed more than 100 other bugs.

3DMA 2022.0 (Sep/30/2021)

New features

  • New application organization based on model packages
  • Created the “Sequence” concept, as a list of captures with a common report
  • Created a new cycles manager that allows to visualize gait and cycling cycles
  • New tennis racket protocols
  • New bike measurement protocol for EDDO
  • New radio-ulnar pronosupination protocol
  • New SEBT protocol
  • Compatibility with Vicon Stream
  • Added compatibility with Motive 1.0
  • Added compatibility with Motive 3.
  • Video cameras now can be rotated 90º
  • Allowed for cameras to be mounted upside-down


  • Improved documentation
  • Improved ankle protocols
  • Improved reports so that they show patient information
  • Improved curve drawing in reports: the occluded zones are hidden.
  • Unified reports header
  • Improved compatibility with two monitors
  • Allowed to hide/show force platforms in the 3D view
  • Improved compatibility with AMTI force plates
  • Created a new examples database that cannot be modified
  • Improved 3D video exportation
  • Improved 3D
  • Updated the Optitrack camera SDK to support Prime 41 camera types
  • Improved application performance
  • Improved About dialog: added access to the STT online store and added the number of users from the database
  • Improved new capture dialog
  • Allowed to change the time offset for the video camera after capturing
  • Improved compatibility with FireFly camera
  • Added some new data to the cycling models:
  • Improved inverse dynamics calculations
  • Improved compatibility with BRIO cameras
  • Added feedback for the force plate calibration
  • Added a generic report for the Std19 model
  • Added new lumbar assessment protocols
  • Added numerics to the shoulder vertical rotation model
  • Improved look & feel
  • Removed the recalibration button.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problems with the CMJ protocol
  • Fixed problems with the Rizzoli mode
  • Fixed problems with the Helen Hayes protocols
  • Fixed that the splash hided other applications
  • Fixed problem with InSight icons
  • Fixed problem with grid
  • Removed Basler cameras due to incompatibility with other cameras
  • Fixed problem with Logitech cameras
  • Fixed bug with log
  • Fixed some problems with coordination curves
  • Fixed problems with FLIR cameras
  • Fixed some problems with Delsys EMG
  • Fixed bug with real time plots for cycling models
  • Fixed a problem with the play speed combo box
  • Fixed some problems with cycling models
  • Fixed some problems with gait models
  • Fixed problems with the vertical vector when importing TRC files
  • Fixed some problems with cloud uploading for RunDNA
  • Fixed some problems with the RunDNA report
  • Fixed bugs to the head and cervicals model
  • Fixed problems for Lumbar assessment multi report
  • Fixed some database bugs
  • Fixed bugs for the “Head and cervicals” protocol
  • Fixed problems with upper train model
  • Fixed more than 100 other bugs

3DMA 2020.1 (May/19/2020)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed sporadic mix of image data between cameras.
  • Fixed sporadic crash when loading a capture.
  • Fixed crash when recording video with monochromatic cameras.
  • Fixed naming issues in coordination curves for cycling plots (Cycling, Sports).

3DMA 2020.0 (Mar/26/2020)

New features

  • New option to import tracking data in different formats: TSV, TXT, C3D, TRC.
  • New file export format: C3D.
  • Added support for up to 8 force plates (Sports, Clinical, Human, Running).
  • Added support for force plate data streaming from OptiTrack Motive (Sports, Clinical, Human, Running).
  • Added option to export video in MPEG format.
  • New option to set a delay on the capture start.
  • New capture protocol: LESS (Landing Error Scoring System) (Sports).
  • Added support for exporting gait cycle data (Sports, Clinical, EDDO).
  • Reduced disk space used by video when recording and export, thanks to new codec.
  • Added treadmill object to 3D scene (Sports, Clinical, EDDO, Running).
  • New option to have asymmetric cranks (Cycling, Sports, EDDO).
  • Added KOPS to single-side captures (Cycling, Sports, EDDO).
  • New coordination curves on bike fitting protocols (Cycling, Sports).
  • New search options in database: search by protocol and notes.
  • Added option to sort customers by date of last capture.
  • Added PDF support in the database.
  • Remember the status of visualization per-protocol.
  • Plug-in options are now remembered.
  • New About dialog with system information.


  • Improved information provided when cameras cannot be initialized.
  • Improved information when floor calibration fails.
  • Improved documentation of protocols.
  • Improved compatibility of report templates with Microsoft Word.
  • Improved performance of “Bike fitting + bike markers” protocol (Cycling, Sports).
  • Improved marker auto-labelling for cycling protocols (Cycling, Sports).
  • Improved force plate reporting data (Sports, Clinical, Human, Running).
  • Improved precision of floor & plate calibration (Sports, Clinical, Human, Running).
  • Better real-time search in the New Capture dialog.
  • Added more normative curves to Stride Selection dialog (Clinical, Human).
  • Added information about normative curves being used on gait reports (Clinical, EDDO, Human).
  • Added swing and stance percentage to Helen Hayes report (Clinical, EDDO, Human).
  • Show treadmill speed in the metrics dashboard for gait / running protocols (Sports, Clinical, EDDO, Human, Running).
  • Improve readability of numerics of Helen Hayes with calibration (Clinical, EDDO).
  • Added toe-off information in Strides dialog (Clinical, EDDO).
  • Tweaked 3D models for jump and running protocols (Sports, EDDO, Running).
  • Reduced time to start a new capture.
  • Improved real-time visualization of calibration bar in charts.
  • Improved backward compatibility with Delsys 2000Hz EMGs.
  • Improved detection of reference frame.
  • Improved ranges for bike parts in the database (Cycling, Sports).
  • Now it is possible to delete the calibration of a force platform (Sports, Clinical, Human, Running).
  • Improved reliability of application if capture cameras fail.
  • Improved usability of capture seek when using the mouse wheel.
  • Improved usability of force platform calibration (Sports, Clinical, Human, Running).
  • Enabled reference frame redefinition (Sports, EDDO).
  • Remember the last import directory.
  • Removed deprecated bike measurement protocols (Cycling, Sports).
  • Improved overall application stability.
  • Overall performance improvements.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed sporadic crash when generating a lower body report (Clinical, EDDO, Human).
  • Fixed capture failure when golf events are not detected correctly (Sports, Golf).
  • Fixed sporadic crash in the Stride Selection dialog (Clinical, EDDO, Human).
  • Fixed a rare crash after exporting a capture interval with stride data (Clinical, EDDO, Human).
  • Fixed sporadic crash when starting a multi-report for lower body (Clinical, EDDO, Human).
  • Fixed sporadic failure in calibration.
  • Fixed issue that may remove video information when clipping a capture.
  • Fixed bug when showing charts in real-time (Cycling, Sports).
  • Fixed incorrect chart value when a marker is occluded.
  • Fixed invalid unit in bike measurement numerics (Cycling, Sports).
  • Fixed issue that may allow to stop a capture twice.
  • Fixed issue that prevented real-time update of normative data.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the correct step detection on treadmill if a marker was lost.
  • Fixed issues that prevented external devices from being synchronized using Motive.
  • Rizzoli’s pelvic rotation now is the same in stride selection and report (Clinical, Human).
  • Fixed a bug that prevented snapshots to be correctly replaced in some reports.
  • Fixed an issue that made webcams to report incorrect resolutions.
  • Fixed usability issues in the New Capture dialog.
  • Fixed issue that prevented removing events in golf protocols (Sports, Golf).
  • Fixed crash when selecting Delsys but it is not connected.
  • Fixed sporadic issues that didn’t refresh gait numerics correctly.
  • Fixed bug that prevented saving the capture date in the database.
  • Fixed usability issues in post-processing captures.
  • Fixed issue that made changing playback speed unintuitive.
  • Fixed minor glitches in the user interface.
  • Fixed translation issues.

3DMA 2019.1 (May/21/2019)

New features

  • Compatibility for MotionBuilder 2019.


  • Improved the event detection on the treadmill.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an error on report generation if the subject name contains accents.
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Windows 7 and Windows 8.
  • Fixed a memory leak during report generation.

3DMA 2019.0 (Apr/25/2019)

New features

  • New Rizzoli gait protocol (Clinical, Human).
  • New full-body bike fitting protocols (body, body & bike, body & floor) (Sports, Cycling).
  • New gait numerics (Clinical, Human).
  • Added new normative options (Clinical, Human).
  • New cycling avatar (Sports, Cycling).
  • New golf avatar (Sports, Golf).
  • Added support for multi-reports (EDDO Biomechanics).
  • New Counter-Movement-Jump protocol (Sports).
  • Added visualization of COG (Sports, Golf).
  • New option to edit the capture parameters when recording has finished.
  • New calibration methods.
  • New customization feature for numeric tables.
  • New bar time with information about lost markers.
  • Added support for systems with only 5 cameras.
  • New option to define the camera type.
  • New shading in graphs to highlight analysis limits.
  • Added support for Basler video cameras.
  • Added a summary of keyboard shortcuts.
  • Added visualization of calibration points in the 3D view.


  • Improvements in the normative dialog (Clinical, Human).
  • Improved the calculation of pelvis in Helen Hayes protocol (Clinical, Human).
  • Now it is possible to open the options dialog at any moment.
  • New option to restore the user interface layout to defaults.
  • Improved the numerics of bike fitting protocols.
  • Improved the detection of initial position.
  • Improved floor calibration to make it more precise.
  • Improved the camera configuration workflow.
  • Toolbars have been re-organized for an easier use.
  • Updated the user manuals and protocols documentation.
  • Increased the information shown when defining the reference plane.
  • Improved the support for automatic updates.
  • Improved the configuration dialog of a new capture.
  • Improved the support for Logitech video cameras.
  • Updated product and protocols documentation.
  • Global performance improvements.
  • Improved the load of EMG files.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed minor issues in the application.
  • Fixed an issue when generating multi-reports of cycling (Sports, Cycling).
  • Fixed several issues in the compact report of cycling (Sports, Cycling).
  • Fixed an sporadic issue in the bike measurement protocol (Sports, Cycling).
  • Fixed a bug in bike fitting reports related to bike details (Sports, Cycling).
  • Fixed issues in the graphs in the gait reports (EDDO Biomechanics).
  • Fixed a calculation error in gait-on-treadmill captures (Clinical, Human).
  • Fixed an issue in the calculation of speed during gait and running analysis (EDDO Biomechanics, Clinical, Human, Running).
  • Fixed an issue that may increase the exposure of cameras after a new installation.
  • Fixed layout issues in report templates.
  • Fixed a bug that may prevent events to be saved correctly.
  • Fixed a bug when exporting TRC files.
  • Fixed several issues when using masks.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting external data.
  • Fixed a rare crash when deleting capture from database.
  • Improved the visualization of numeric data when a marker is lost.
  • Improved the calculations in captures with ranges and hidden markers.
  • Fixed an issue that may corrupt the capture when saving to disk.
  • Fixed an sporadic issue in manual labeling.
  • Fixed a bug that may delete limit analysis events.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting an interval to 3MC.
  • Fixed an sporadic crash when creating limit analysis events in some captures.
  • Fixed a crash when changing the point-of-view during a manual labeling.
  • Fixed a rare issue in the 3D visualization.
  • Fixed minor user interface and usability issues.
  • Improved the usability of the Strides dialog.
  • Improved the recording window to make it less intrusive, remembering its last position.
  • Improved the visualization of the progress bar of the recording window.
  • Fixed an issue that showed the birth date in Chinese.
  • Fixed an issue in the table of the multi-reports dialog.
  • Fixed a translation issue in graphs during a new capture.
  • Fixed a glitch in the visualization of the cameras when starting a new capture.

3DMA 6.11 (Jul/25/2018)

New features

  • New protocol for gait analysis in children (Clinical, Human).
  • New bike fitting compact report (Sports, Cycling).
  • New bike fitting comparison report (Sports, Cycling).
  • New golf swing analysis protocol (Sports, Golf).
  • New full-body running analysis protocol (Sports, Running).
  • The tool for stride selection in gait analysis is now more powerful (Clinical).
  • Full-body, Standard 19 protocol has been enhanced with new data (Sports, Human).
  • New, more robust procedure to check calibration quality.
  • Automatic update notification feature for future versions.
  • New unified dialog for new captures.
  • Captures can now include additional data in the database (Sports, Cycling, Golf).


  • All protocols now incorporate some numerics view.
  • All the documentation has been updated.
  • Improved automatic license updater.
  • Better control on visible 3D elements.
  • Improved compatible webcam resolutions.
  • Improved analysis quality.
  • Improved the performance of the database.
  • Protocols list is now sorted alphabetically.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that may prevent saving the capture.
  • Fixed usability issues in the Exposure Configuration dialog.
  • Fixed a crash when changing the webcam resolution.
  • Fixed a bug that may crash the application when canceling a capture with video.
  • Fixed an issue that may prevent your logo to be included in some reports.
  • Fixed an issue that may allow the user to change current frame during manual labeling.
  • Fixed minor usability problems with interface components during capture.
  • Fixed an issue when exporting XY curves to CSV files.
  • Fixed usability issues with keyboard shortcuts.
  • Minor bug hunting.

3DMA 6.10 (Jul/06/2017)

New features

  • New option to export events.
  • New chart options for MultiReports.
  • New points of view.
  • New bike measurement model for road.
  • Added center of gravity point (Cycling 3DMA).
  • New option to show/hide events.


  • Reports now include user contact information by default.
  • Better point traces visualization.
  • Updated documentation for Helen Hayes model.

Bug fixes

  • Numerous minor bug fixes and performance improvements.

3DMA 6.09 (Nov/24/2016)

New features

  • New report for running (EDDO).
  • New option to add custom client’s logo to reports.
  • New angle/speed in gait reports.
  • New option to export the 3MC file.


  • Reduced CPU consumption when video cameras are used.
  • Improved translations.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed occasional crash when performing a capture just after calibration.
  • Fixed bug that prevented using 3DMA if the DB was not available.
  • Fixed a bug that made reports not to have the correct capture date.
  • Fixed issue where events were not automatically detected on capture end.
  • Fixed a problem in the capture notes that may prevent it correct visualization.
  • Usual minor bug fixes hunting.

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