Logotipo de Motio - STT Systems

Smart biomechanics and premium technologies for human motion studies. Ready to use for sports scientist, clinicians and researchers

Qué es Motio - STT Systems

What is Motio

Smart Biomechanics

Motio, from STT Systems, is the result of more than 25 years of work in the field of optical and inertial motion capture, electronics, biometric calculations, software development and, in short, motion analysis.

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2D, 3D, Optical and Inertial motion analysis systems

Motio products are designed to perform motion capture and analysis in a very simple and fast way with the most advanced technology on the market.

2DMA by STT Systems


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3DMA by STT Systems


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iSen by STT Systems


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Benefits of our motion capture solutions

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Improved body movement

The study of body movements allows the professional to identify the impediments that a patient may experience and offer the best solution.

Características 2DMA

Measurement of the recovery process

From hip replacement to whiplash, a study of the joint's progress during rehabilitation can be a key indicator of treatment effectiveness.

Características 2DMA

Injury prevention

Our biomechanical capture systems are designed to not only perfect your technique, but can also help prevent injuries.

Características 2DMA

Optimization of sports performance

Detailed analysis of the movements, posture and biomechanics of athletes with the aim of optimizing efficiency and improving performance.

Características 2DMA

Customization of training plans

Design personalized training plans for each athlete based on the analysis of their performance and posture.

Características 2DMA

Generation of sales opportunities

With the help of integrated biomechanical analyses, you stand out and offer a unique experience to your customers, generating concrete sales opportunities.


Just a click away

Download the latest version of the software, as well as the graphic resources you need (social media, venue design, etc.), technical documentation and sample reports.

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Discover how our motion analysis products can be applied in different sectors




Explore what our innovative biomechanical system can do to improve pedaling and movement in cycling.
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Discover how our system can make a difference in your performance on the golf course.
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Our system can enhance your performance and well-being while running. Don't you know it yet?
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Discover all the advantages offered by our biomechanical capture solutions for tennis.
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Our innovative solutions are revolutionizing physical and occupational therapy. Do you want to know how?
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Functional Assessment

Functional Assessment

Our products offer a wide range of biomechanical protocols to study specific segments of the human body.
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Frailty & Aging

Frailty & Aging

STT Systems solutions manage to accurately identify the frailty and mobility problems of your patients.
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Your accessories for motion analysis in just a few clicks .

Here you can buy your marker refills, adhesive stickers and other accessories as well as online training.

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Case studies

Discover Motio's most recent research projects.


STT Systems, always at your service.

Are you interested in a demo, would you like a quote? Don't hesitate and write to us

Contact with us

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Technical assistance

If you have any remaining questions, please check our list of frequently asked questions.


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